Contact Us

We appreciate your product feedback, recommendations, and comments. Please contact us if you have any queries about our goods or want to start a business connection with us. Please provide feedback to our contact email address.

For any questions, please contact our Customer Service Center for help. Thank you.


The website is operated by POCKETECH LIMITED.

Contact Us:
[email protected]

Cooperation and Advertistment

Please contact us if you have any inquiries about collaboration or advertising opportunities.


Official E-mail: [email protected]


POCKETECH makes no assurance of the correctness, completeness, sufficient, or reliability of the materials, information, and software discussed on the website, despite its efforts to offer accurate materials and information on the site. Before downloading any of the software, POCKETECH will ensure that you fully understand all of the hazards (including without limitation, the potential infection of your system by computer viruses and loss of data). You are entirely liable for any computer system infection or data loss that arises from the download of software or usage of the site.


Any rights not expressly granted in this document are reserved.


Official E-mail: [email protected]


Tel: (852) 68409262